6 Reasons To Go For Natural Childbirth

“Women are weak, but mothers are strong” ~ North Korean saying.
Childbirth is beautiful, in spite of being painful. Isn’t it amazing that women are chosen for bringing a new life on earth? It shows how strong women are but nowadays many women are opting for C-section because of non-medical reasons.

I would not want to go deeper into that as I believe it’s the woman’s call on what mode of delivery she chooses for her baby. But I can surely give you some benefits of choosing normal delivery for childbirth if you’re healthy and have no complications.

Another thing to recall is that an ultrasound baby scan is really helpful to determine the due date for delivery. So, do go for a baby scan from an ultrasound baby scan clinic.

Here are 6 reasons to go for vaginal childbirth:

No surgery so no surgical scars: 

The best thing about normal delivery is that you do not require any major surgery. The baby comes out in the supposed way so there’s no reason for any surgery and no permanent surgical scar.

Shorter hospitalization:

Since there’s no surgical method involved, hospitals can’t prolong your stay and you get an early discharge.

Faster recovery: 

Faster recovery is possible in natural deliveries, though women get exhausted and suffer a lot due to labor pain, they recover faster compared to women who had a C-section delivery.

Breastfeeding during the golden hour:

The first hour after the baby’s birth is the golden hour and if a mother feeds her newborn during this time, then it releases oxytocin (the love hormone) which allows the mother to bond with her baby and vice versa. The skin-to-skin contact which the baby receives during the golden hour ensures that the baby receives better nursing and we cannot deny the importance of “first milk” or “colostrum”.

Build baby’s immunity: 

Researches prove that babies who were born through normal delivery have a better immune system than cesarean babies. The reason being that during natural childbirth, the baby passes through the birth canal and absorbs the healthy bacteria which facilitates healthy gut health and strong immunity. 


Going for a natural delivery is less expensive than a cesarean delivery. There is no added cost of surgery and medications involved, so you leave the hospital within two days or even earlier.
Thus, I hope now you know the advantages of natural childbirth, the childbirth specifically designed for our female bodies. In certain cases, cesarean delivery is the only safest way for the baby and the mother, but apart from such cases, normal delivery is considered the best. You should always consult your OB doctor before making any decision. Your OB doctor will most likely tell you to go for an ultrasound scan to monitor your baby’s position which will help the OB to decide the mode of delivery. You can get a baby scan from any good ultrasound baby scanning services provider in Aylesbury.


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